I stand in the field. The air is cold but not freezing. The night is dark but with stars. The wind is calm, and the night is silent. I am naked. I am alone – except that I am filled with Fear. The field seems different. I don’t know how – I don’t know why. The way it surrounds me. The way the energy flows. The way I stand exposed. Exposed to the cold. Exposed to the universe. Consumed in Fear. There is nothing I can do tonight – there is nothing to do. Nothing but wait for something – something of meaning – something of light – something of warmth – even after everything I have done. Maybe I don’t deserve meaning, light, or warmth as I have betrayed those that love me, abandoned the luxury of certainty, and proven that my word means nothing. So I stand naked in Fear and wait – wait for something. What that is, I have no idea.